Brick & Mortar Organization - Urbanfeat Technologies
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Get Business Online

We support Brick and Mortar Business Models to find target audiences online. Urbanfeat Technology assists in making your website which will boost your online presence. They offer tons of different templates from which you can choose, depending on what sorts of goals you have for the site, the aesthetics of the site, and more.

You can make your site simple, with just the basics, or you can do a whole lot more. It just depends on your goals and what you want the site to be.

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Launch Online Shop for Brick and Mortar Model

Brick and Mortar business can portray online shop if you don’t sell many products, but that’s not exactly the case. Of course, the ability to sell your products on your site is a huge bonus — it lets you basically take your brick-and-mortar to your customers directly, no matter where they are (a real win). But an online shop can be beneficial for more than just actual, physical products.

If you offer services or sell subscriptions, Squarespace’s online shopping feature allows you to present those to your customers or clients as well, expanding your reach and making doing business with you more convenient. If your business is a restaurant, you can also take advantage of the ChowNow integration that allows customers to order right from your site.

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Interacting with your customers or clients

An online presence means you’re able to connect directly with your customers, clients, and adoring fans. Rather than waiting for them to come in to tell them about deals, new arrivals, and updates, and to form a relationship with them, you’re able to let your website and social media accounts guide the spread of that information.

You can cultivate relationships with customers, clients, and prospective readers that feel genuine, and you can use analytics available to you to gain more insight than you might be able to when they stop in.

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