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Is Social Media Marketing Cheaper than Digital Marketing?

Posted By Mohammad Saifullah on 2024-08-10T10:14:02+00:00 in Uncategorized

Two of the most popular avenues for digital promotion are Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Digital Marketing. Both approaches offer unique benefits, but a common query persists: Is Social Media Marketing cheaper than Digital Marketing?  This blog will dive deep into this question while also providing a comprehensive understanding of both marketing strategies. What is […]

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SEO Mistakes Businesses Must Avoid at All Costs in 2024

Posted By Mohammad Saifullah on 2024-08-01T07:57:17+00:00 in SEO

Introduction about SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which in 2024 maintains its importance today. Search engines keep updating their algorithms, leaving businesses in a catch-22 position if they do not have a well-rounded SEO plan. The truth is, in light of these facts, that most businesses continue to […]

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